DreamWorks Animation Hires Mark Zoradi
DreamWorks Animation announced that Mark Zoradi will join DreamWorks Animation as COO, elevating Ann Daly to president of the company. Lew Coleman assumes the role of vice-chairman, in addition to his current roles of CFO and acting chief accounting officer.
“As DreamWorks grows, we are focusing on creating a strong management structure that has the expertise and capacity to best serve the changing needs of our company,” said Jeffrey Katzenberg, DreamWorks Animation CEO, in a statement. “With these new changes, coupled with our other incredibly accomplished recent senior hires—Michael Francis as chief global brand officer and Margie Cohn as head of television—I’m very excited about the stellar caliber of our overall executive leadership team.”
Zoradi is a 30-year veteran of the motion picture industry. He was instrumental in the start up of Walt Disney Home Entertainment and The Disney Channel. He previously served as the general manager of Buena Vista Television, president of Buena Vista International with responsibility for the international theatrical and home entertainment marketing and distribution of Disney, Touchstone, and Pixar films and most recently, served as president of Walt Disney Studios Motion Picture Group.
Steinberg, Burns Hired at LeapFrog
LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc., announced that Scott A. Steinberg has joined the company as vice-president of platform marketing responsible for the development and marketing strategies for LeapFrog’s educational hardware platforms.
Prior to joining LeapFrog, Steinberg was vice-president of product marketing at Sony PlayStation. He has also held executive positions at Sega of America, Napster, Roxio, King Brown Partners, Imagicast, Inc., Liquid Audio, Inc., and Eidos Interactive, Inc.
In a separate announcement, LeapFrog says that Dan Burns has joined the company as vice-president of sales. Prior to joining LeapFrog, Burns was vice-president of sales at VTech Electronics for 10 years. Burns previously held executive sales positions at Radio Flyer Corporation and Hedstrom Corporation, as well as management positions at Hasbro and Kolcraft.