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Bazooka Joe Bubble Gum Celebrates Dad Jokes and Its 75th Anniversary with Celebrity PSA Campaign on Father’s Day

Bazooka Joe 75th Anniversary Logo Bazooka Turns 75

While Dad Jokes may get a bad wrap, Bazooka Candy Brands is giving Dad Joke enthusiasts everywhere a chance to join in a celebration of Dad Jokes through another fun Bazooka Father’s Day campaign. Bazooka Bubble Gum is known for its Bazooka Joe comics that feature wholesome, exaggerated punchlines in the classic spirit of the “Dad Joke.”


Spring-boarding off the successful Bazooka Dad Joke campaign in 2021, Bazooka has enlisted four new celebrities who share a common love of dad jokes. These celebrities will offer their support of Dad Jokes through videos appearing in Bazooka posts on Bazooka’s Instagram and Facebook accounts.


The campaign launches on Facebook and Instagram on May 23, 2022 and will continue through Father’s Day. From June 1 to 8, eligible fans will also have the opportunity to enter in a sweepstakes for a chance to win an assortment of Bazooka Bubble Gum and a personalized celebrity shout-out for their dad on Father’s Day. To enter, fans are encouraged to follow Bazooka on Instagram (@TheRealBazookaJoe) and follow the instructions in the sweepstakes post.


“After a successful launch in 2021, we’re excited to mark the second year of our Celebrity Dad Joke PSA campaign, with fresh new talent,” said Rebecca Silberfarb, VP of Brand Marketing at Bazooka Candy Brands. “This campaign allows us to build on our legacy of classic humor and continue to make an impact on the American pop culture landscape. We invite Dad Joke enthusiasts across the country to get in on the fun and celebrate Father’s Day with us because this year, no Dad Joke lover laughs alone!”


As the brand continues to celebrate its 75th anniversary, Bazooka invites new and existing fans to follow along on social media to keep up with the festivities. In addition to new digital content, product rollouts, and giveaways, stay tuned as Bazooka Bubble Gum drops a highly anticipated documentary, taking fans through 75 years of an iconic brand.


For more information on the sweepstakes, visit