
Get a Whiff of Bunch O Balloons Rotten Eggs!


ZURU stinks up the water balloon warfare with Bunch O Balloons Rotten Eggs Surprise! Stink Balloons!, the follow-up to in its two-time TOTY-winning Bunch O Balloons brand.


The 100-pack of water balloons you can fill and tie in less than 60 seconds now have the whiff of rotten eggs.


“We know how much water balloons and summer fun go hand-in-hand, and this year we wanted to add a surprise element,” said Nick Mowbray, co-CEO, ZURU. “We’re certain Bunch O Balloons Rotten Eggs will take water balloon play to a level never seen, or smelled, before. At the heart of it, Bunch O Balloons is a staple of summer fun that enables families to enjoy the outdoors, get active and spend time together.”


Bunch O Balloon Rotten Eggs! Surprise Stink Balloons heads to major retailers now and is available in a three-pack for $7.99. It’s for ages 3 and up.


In addition, ZURU’s summer-long Bunch O Balloons new Splash to Win promotion will give away more than $1 million worth of summer prizes including a brand new car, a family trip for four, game consoles, and more. Official Splash To Win game tokens are packaged inside every specially marked Bunch O Balloons pack. Soak the token in water to reveal the code underneath. Then visit the Bunch O Balloons website and enter the code to see what you’ve won.