
The Toy Association Provides Shareable Content Ahead of International Day of Play

genius of play toy association

Ahead of the inaugural International Day of Play on June 11, The Toy Association is sharing resources biweekly from its Genius of Play initiative for play professionals to share with their networks. These resources are free to use and help to promote the importance of play in child development and offer guidance on fostering play-based learning experiences.


As the first in a four-part series, assets are available below to share the six benefits of play and their role in raising well-rounded children:


Developing Physical Skills: Active play helps kids with coordination, balance, motor skills, and spending their natural energy (which promotes better eating and sleeping habits).
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Processing and Expressing Emotions: During play, kids learn to cope with emotions like fear, frustration, anger, and aggression in a situation they control. They can also practice empathy and understanding.
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Enhancing Social Skills: Playing with others helps kids negotiate group dynamics, collaborate, compromise, deal with others’ feelings, and share – the list goes on.
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Improving Cognitive Abilities: Children learn to think, read, remember, reason, and pay attention through play.
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Increasing Creativity: By allowing imaginations to run wild during play, kids create new worlds, and form unique ideas and solutions to challenges.
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Honing Communication Skills: Play lets kids exchange thoughts, information, or messages by speech, signals, writing, or actions.
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The International Day of Play creates a unifying moment at global, national, and local levels to elevate the importance of play as central to children’s learning and well-being — ensuring time to play, space to play, and support for quality play is prioritized. The international awareness day signals a call for policies, training, and funding to get play integrated into education and community settings worldwide. Click here for more informational about the International Day of Play.


The Toy Association’s Genius of Play initiative is a leading resource on the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional benefits of play that serve children throughout their lives. Targeted to parents, teachers, and consumers, The Genius of Play’s website offers expert advice from play and child experts, play ideas, and resources for teachers. Follow The Genius of Play on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


-Original piece written by The Toy Association-